This stool took up 2.1kg of HDPE (which would have made nearly 200 HDPE pens!). We have been experimenting with methods of keeping larger amounts of plastic hot at once and we’ve found that using both a panini press/sandwich toaster along with a small toaster oven with a deeper oven tray works great! We have also recently switched from using greaseproof paper to these teflon baking sheets, which cause significantly less headaches!
FYI: HDPE is High Density Polyethylene
One thing we are still researching are gloves. We have tried numerous pairs, but it’s hard to find a good balance between 1) thermal protection, 2) dexterity, and 3) a glove material that the plastic will not stick too. There have been a couple of times where a some of the hot HDPE will get stuck on our gloves and you have to take them off very quickly to avoid burning!
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