What is Hadoop?
Apache Hadoop is an open source framework that is used to efficiently store and process large volume datasets that are humungous in size. It is not a database, but rather an open-source platform that can handle large volumes of structured and unstructured data.
In this article we discuss Hadoop Installation on MacOS.
The Steps involved are as follows:
- Install HomeBrew on MacBook M1 : https://youtu.be/c-1tOojFDFM
- Install Java On Macbook M1 : https://youtu.be/FsX0_RXMwvY
- Introduction
- Install Hadoop using Homebrew
- Install Code command in PATH
- Add JAVA_HOME path to hadoop environement
- Make Changes on core-site.xml file
- Make Changes to hdfs-site.xml file
- Make Changes to mapred-site.xml file
- Make Changes to yarn-site.xml file
- Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive)
- start-all.sh to start hdfs and jps to visualize
- Create directory inside hdfs
Please go through the below video to understand the same
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