Discover how commodity markets operate, including key participants, price determinants, and trading mechanisms, in this in-depth comprehensive guide.
Browsing: Commodity
Commodity is an economic good, usually a resource such as raw material, primary agricultural product, energy resource and metal, that can be bought and sold.
Commodities have full or substantial fungibility: that is, the market treats instances of the good as equivalent or nearly so with no regard to who produced them.
This Category is a Collection of Free Learning Videos, Articles, Guides, Documentaries, Talks and Discussions on the Commodities and Related Concepts.
Learn about Ceylon Cinnamon and why even Skilled Workers can only Produce few Kilos of Packets every Day. Learn what makes Ceylon so Favourable & so expensive?
Pitayas are Very Important to the Mexican Economy in the Growing Season but they are very delicate & go bad quickly. Learn What Makes this Fruit So Expensive ?
Learn about a NZ Startup that has found a way to extract gold from old circuit boards using inexpensive chemicals and microbes that absorb precious metals.
Each cashew kernel must be carefully extracted from the toxic shell & rigorously processed to ensure that the caustic liquid inside the shell is destroyed.
Why 5 Of The World’s Priciest Salts And Spices Are So Expensive, from Cinnamon to Green Cardamom, Bamboo Salt to River Reed salt. Learn More in this Video Guide