Learn how was Paypal Created, Challenges it faced, how it evolved, became so big with it Expansion Strategies & eventually became Internet’s Payment System
Author: AM
The Ultimate Innovation of 3D Printed Rockets that save on up front tooling, enable rapid iteration, decrease part count, and facilitate radically new designs
SpinLaunch is developing a system to launch rockets into space to reduces dependence on traditional Chemical Rockets to lower the cost of access to space
The top 15 Innovative Emerging Technologies that will Change the World. 3D Printing, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Block Chain, Quantum Computing, Graphene, Spin Launch etc.
The Rise and Fall of Netflix. Why is Netflix Collapsing? Perhaps there are a few business lessons to learn. Watch the Video to learn more on the Netflix crisis
In this Stanford Talk, Paul Wesling discusses the Origins of the Silicon Valley, why and how it happened here. How and Why was it named the Silicon Valley
The Story discusses the Historical Legacy of Silicon Valley. How it was in 1978, and how it is today in 2022. What developments took place in last 44 Years to shape the Silicon Valley and How it has evolved. Today Silicon Valley is considered the focal point of Software Innovation in the World. Watch the Videos to learn more.
The Video Discusses what is wrong with our current Schooling System? Does it Produce Creators and Free Thinkers or does it create Followers- Watch the Video.
A Supply Chain refers to the network of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in delivering a product or service to a consumer.
Supply chain management is the movement and storage of raw materials (Sourcing), Inventory Management, delivery of finished goods for customer order fulfilment.