Paula didn’t follow the same career path as most. She disappointed many when she quit her job as a newspaper reporter to start her business & travel the world.
Author: AM
The Inspiring Story of Dianne and Guillermo Rastelli who Retired at the Ages of 45 and 48 with $2.2 M in the Bank to live a life, travel and go beyond the norm.
The Great Story of Jacob Karram who turned his hobby into business. He grew his business from Scratch with just $100 Investment and became a Millionaire.
The Great Story of a Couple, Amon and Christina with 2 Daughters, who saved, did house hacking and side hustles and Retired Early in Portugal to live a dream.
Dave Heimbuch, Founder of Hindrent, raises $300k from Robert & Lori for an 8% stake in his company. Learn all about Hindrent’s Shark Tank Pitch Success.
Arlan Hamilton spent her entire life in and out of homelessness, In 2015 she started an investment fund called Backstage Capital which is now over $20 million.
Learn how Ship Crews process millions of pounds of water, food, and dry waste each year produced by many passengers on board of the World’s largest Cruise Ship.
Learn about the Founders Alex Bertelli & Clay Banks and how they pitch for $500,000 for a 6% stake of their door security wedge startup, Haven Lock.
New York City is one of the most wasteful cities in the world. But none of its trash is actually processed in NYC. It’s sent to waste-to-energy facilities and landfills as far away as Ohio and South Carolina. It takes a vast network of sanitation workers, trucks, trains, cranes, and barges and $429 million a year to get it there. Learn more in this Business Insider Video Report.
The world consumes a mind blowing 4 billion cans of soft drinks made of recycled aluminium every week. Learn in these Videos how they can be recycled.