Heat waves kill a lot of people every year on the Earth. That’s why Scientists are using Novel Methods & Designs to Help Keep Temperatures Down in Singapore
Author: AM
Learn How the Application of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning to Chemical & Reaction Engineering has helped in Creating an Enzyme that Eats Plastic
The COVID-19 Pandemic Fastened the Adoption of 4 Day Work Week, with Employees Increasingly Demanding Better Work-Life balance. Learn How it has Helped Workers.
Learn How Jackson Aw, the Founder of Mighty Jaxx, a Designer Toy Company, has raised around $40 million, valuing the company at over $200 million
Beer is the most popular Alcoholic Beverage. Learn Why Beverage’s Price Increase is bound to hit the Pockets of Beer Lovers and What factors are Driving it?
Pitayas are Very Important to the Mexican Economy in the Growing Season but they are very delicate & go bad quickly. Learn What Makes this Fruit So Expensive ?
Learn about the Tech that can help in Improving Irrigation efficiency & Sustain Food Production when there is a severe Drought & Water Crisis in the Western US.
Due to Growing Traffic in many U.S. cities, a growing movement is pushing to ban Cars in dense areas like New York. This can reduce noise and air pollution
Learn How The Carbon Removal Market is expanding rapidly, as the Big Tech is Pumping Nearly Billion $s to various Early Stage Startups to fight Climate Change.
The United Nations’ predicts that food prices could rise by an additional 8.5% by 2027 due to more Expensive Fertilisers Causing 300% Price Spikes. Farmers may be forced to pass those costs along to customers, resulting in higher grocery prices. Learn More on this Story