Author: AM

AM, The Founder and CEO of is an Entrepreneur & Business Management Professional with over 20+ Years Experience and Expertise in many industries such as Retail, Brand, Marketing, Technology, Analytics, AI and Data Science. The Industry Experience spans across Retail, FMCG, CPG, Media and Entertainment, Banking and Financial Services, Media & Entertainment, Telecom, Technology, Big Data, AI, E-commerce, Food & Beverages, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, Education, Outsourcing & Consulting. Currently based in Austria and India

Unshackle yourself from corporate constraints, Explore Various Reasons why firing your boss could be the catalyst for a more rewarding and fulfilling professional life, a Strategic Move that redefines your Professional Trajectory, unlocks Autonomy, Growth, Freedom, Joy & Passion in your Work Life.

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Introduction In the hallowed corridors of leadership, where visionaries guide the destinies of organizations, a fundamental truth resonates: the mantle of leadership is not an unyielding crown, but a responsibility that demands profound introspection and at times, courageous decisions. In the complex dynamics of corporate narratives and political sagas, the…

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