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Learn Big Data- Hadoop Installation
We discuss the most popular databases used in 2022-MySQL, MongoDB, FIrebase, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Redis
What are the best practices for reducing Employee Attrition Rate.
Employees with Great Skill Sets are forcing the companies to revaluate their HR Strategy in terms of attracting best employees and retaining them. Learn How in this Article.
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Examination of deep nature of human bias and prejudice in Data Science
We ponder Why Data Science, Big Data, Analytics Initiatives fail and how Is this a systemic problem and has its traces in cultural issues and people challenges
What is Metaverse and why is everyone talking about ?
Learn about 13 Key Customer Service Qualities that Ensure Increased Customer Delight, Engagement, Retention & Higher CLV. Great Customer Service often reflects in Higher Brand Equity & Power.
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