Prepare for Python Programming Interview
Attempt the following Questions and Watch the Video from 01:25:00 for Solutions.
- How to create a new Column in Pandas by using values from other columns?
- What are the different functions that can be used by GROUPBY() in Pandas?
- Explain how do we select columns in PANDAS and add them to a new DataFrame?
- How to delete or drop a column or group of columns from a DataFrame-Explain with an Example Code
- Given a DataFrame, drop the rows having Columns Values as a particular value- Write an Example Code
- For a sample dataset, find the Highest Paid Player in each college in each team
- What is Reindexing in Pandas?
- Create a Lambda Function that prints the sum of all the elements in this list -> [3, 7, 10, 20, 30, 99, 101]
- Explain vStack() in NumPy with an Example
- How is Python Code Interpreted?
- Explain the process of removing spaces from a String in Python
- What are the different File processing modes Python supports-Explain
- Describe Picking and UnPickling in Python
- Explain Memory Management in Python
- What is UNITTEST or Unit Testing Framework in Python
- List the commands for deleting a File in Python
- How and why do you create an Empty Class in Python?
- What are Python Decorators?
- Explain EARLY BINDING Concept in Python?
- What type of Inheritance is supported by Python but not by Java